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About OutSource

Outsource Limited is a Yemeni owned company that focuses on maritime protection services in the Gulf of Aden (GoA) and Red Sea. We have experience working with multi national organizations and we offer flexible services which focus to their particular needs.
Company's main strength is transparency and integrity. We work to the best interest of the client in providing the most quality services at the most efficient cost.

Operations and Locations:
Outsource is located in four main location within the Republic of Yemen; Hudiedah, Aden, Nishtun and Sana'a being the head office.  The company offers embarking and disembarking services from any of the first three mention location.  (See below map for location in Green).

Due to our close coordination with YCG we are able to operate in the Yemeni waters for safer and more secure journeys

The map is able to show (in red line) the operating path under which we operate along the Yemeni shores.  It also shows the international corridor in which the international maritime companies operate under.
In comparison, this map is able to prove that Outsource operate in a very safe zone for
communication and quick respond purposes.

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